I am writing to see what dates suit ye for a next meeting. I propose either Thursday 31st jan or Wednesday 6th Feb - at Haket in the celler there. Thursday seems to work well for people or did last time, while if we did it on the Wed we could hang out at the trad session after (See timsig.se). A rough agenda of things to follw up on and discuss are:
- An "Irish" day around one of the six nations rugby matches. Cormac suggested that the match against England on sunday 10th Feb would be a good one to watch. The idea from the last meeting was to start the day with the full Irish or brunch, watch the match and then do something
else after. Damian in the dubs said he could fix the full Irish anyway.
All up for discussion :)
- A bus and tickets to the Ireland Sweden soccer match in Stockholm on 22nd March. Nothing has been done on this so all up for discussion :)
- Ciorcail Comhrá gaeilge sa språkcafé ar esperantoplats. John and Damian are totally behind this so should be straightforward to arrange. Joe and myself can report on this.
- A premises for GIG. Barry and Peter were on to this.
- the facebook page, email list and webpage. Niall has been working on this.
- Setting up GIG as a föreningen (formal society with a skattenummer). Kevin, Patrick and Vince were on to this.
- St. Patricks Day party (and fundraiser for GAA). All up for discussion :)
- any other business. Mail me if ya want to bring up something else.
Mail me which of the dates suits ye. Then I will put together a proper agenda and send back to you and on the fb page too. I am just mailing those who were at the last meeting or showed an interest to get a date first.
Just a few intersting things from the facebookpage in case you didn´t see:
- Mark Whale was looking for people to go rock climbing with at Klatterlabbet
- Both David Burke and Cormac gave links to job vacencies in their repective software companies
Anyway If we manage half of that we will be doing well ;)
Vi hörs :)

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